About this page.

This blog was originally just going to be my Security assignment for electronic logs, but it has now evolved just a bit. In this blog will will find my notes and anything else we do in these classes.

Monday, September 24, 2012

R/S: Cisco Router IOS Start

9/17 notes- Cisco Routing

Cisco Router IOS

How do I access my router?

Physical – hooking up a wire and logging into the device
Remote- using SSH or TelNet to log in remotely

How do I configure my router?

Console Port
            Designated by a light blue color and label
            Console cable has one RJ45 port and one Serial port.  The RJ45 goes into the router, serial into the computer. 
Via modem using an aux port – only found on older routers
Virtual terminal
Tftp server


Load IOS From Flash into (RAM)
Load Startup Config into RAM (NVRAM)

Router Modes

Setup Mode- there are two reasons your router will try to get into setup mode:  Router fails to load a valid configuration file from NVRAM or you force it into the mode via the privileged mode. 
User Mode- the most used basic mode.  It is only used to display basic information about the router and cannot be used to configure anything. 
Router > or TeamA > 
Privileged mode- used to configure your router.
Router > enable
Router # or TeamA #
Configuration Mode- device level configuration, such as  IP addresses, passwords, ect.  There are several levels to this mode.
Router# config t or router configure terminal
Typing exit or “CTRL + Z” will take you back one level.

How do I get help?

Router# ?
TeamA# copy ?
If you do not see another prompt, there are two reasons:  there simply are no more options or that command is incorrect/does not exist on that router.
If you have a mistake, there will be a carrot sign ^ under the mistake. 

Setting Passwords

Two sets of passwords
User Mode – Console, Aux, VTY
Privileged Mode – Plain Text, Encrypted

Using PuTTY
Set to Serial Connection Type
Verify the correct connection
Set speed to 9600
You will see a cmd type screen
**Do not lose the card!!**

Once you turn it on, your screen will populate

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