About this page.

This blog was originally just going to be my Security assignment for electronic logs, but it has now evolved just a bit. In this blog will will find my notes and anything else we do in these classes.

Monday, October 1, 2012

R/S Chapter 5 Start

Chapter 5 will be covering the following:

The Cisco IOS boot process in detail. 

Will also be going over backing up which includes the IOS and the config files. 

And last, CDP- Cisco Discovery Protocol. 

Notes after the break.

Details of the boot process for Cisco IOS.  This is generally only important to someone who deals with routers on a regular basis and needs to troubleshoot.

Controlled by a register.

We have been using the CLI (command line interface) and will now be using the SDM (security device manager) for most things.  This needs to be downloaded via the Cisco site.  We will need to create an account to do this.  10 points for those who do this. 

Backing up your Router

Backing up your IOS.

The IOS is nothing but a compressed file.  It is located in the flash memory. 
#show flash allows you to see how much flash memory you have.  It will read out available (used).  Using #show version will show you the total space. 

Copying IOS from flash to TFTP server:
  1. #copy flash tftp  -the first location is where the information is coming from, the second is where it is going to
  2. name of source file to copy - this will be asked, what file do you want copied?
  3. hostname or IP address of server - you will need either of these to be able to copy the information over to the correct location
  4. destination file name - what do you want to call it?
Restoring the information, you just reverse the original command- #copy tftp flash

**There is no standard naming convention, just set up a system so you know what's what. 

Backing up your config files

Running configuration is located in the RAM. 

To copy the running config to tftp server, use the following:
  1.  #copy running-config tftp
  2. hostname or IP address of server - you will need either of these to be able to copy the information over to the correct location
  3. destination file name - what do you want to call it?
The restore is the same thing as the IOS backup- just reverse the order of the destinations.

Copy to NVRAM
  1.  #copy running-config startup-config - startup-config is the default name used by Cisco routers
  2. destination file name

For the lab:

We will be asked to re-set the password on the routers
We will also be backing up the running-config to the desktop and restoring it back

IFS - intranetworking file system

Advantages of IFS
  1. platform independent
  2. supports URLs and network locations
  3. provides commands for navigation, viewing and creation of files and directories
  4. minimizes the supplementary questions being asked by the platform through scripting 
Componant name -> IFS notation
NVRAM -> nvram:
Flash -> flash:  This is the default.  You will see this when you start the system, akin to the C drive.
TFTP -> tftp:
RAM -> system:

IFS Commands, purpose and examples

pwd- print working directory display.  This will print your current location. pwd:
cd - change directory.  cd nvram: (changing the directory to nvram)
dir- lists files and folders in the current directory.  dir flash: csit 2750 or dir all
mkdir- make (create) directory.  mkdir flash: csit2750 (this creates a new directory)
rmdir- removes (deletes) a directory.  rmdir flash:csit2750 (this deletes an EMPTY directory)
copy- copy file or directory.  copy nvram: startup-config system:
more- displays contents of a file one page at a time.  more system: running-config

ex:  copy backup-config file from tftp server, to RAM
       #copy tftp://  system:running-config
This will only prompt one question:  username and password!  Everything else was provided in the command.

ex: save running-config to nvram as saved-config
     (#cd system:) use this if you get an error when finding your running-config file
      #copy (system:)running-config  nvram:saved-config  The (system) is used normally, only changed if there is an error. 

Router boot componants

  • POST
    • to make sure the router hardware is functional
  • bootstrap program
    • it is a software that resides in ROM as a compressed file.  During the boot process the router decompresses the bootstrap file to initialize router.  
      • initialization
      • loads bootloader into RAM. 
  • ROM monitor
    • special router mode for testing and troubleshooting.  As a user you will probably not be dealing with this mode. 
  • boot loader
    • A program that kicks your OS into gear.  It performs basic initialization of the operating system.
  • flash memory
    • router loads IOS from flash into RAM
  • configuration register
    • stored in the NVRAM
    • used to control router boot sequence
    • size of configuration register is 16 bits or 2 bytes
    • configure registration value is displayed as a hex number.  Be able to convert Hex to Binary and Decimal.
    • to find current value
      • #show version
      • look at output
  • RAM 
Read over Chapter 5 and review these notes for Lab next week. 

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